PrEP4Teens in the Media

Hot off our appearance on WBEZ Chicago and our unforgettable launch event, PrEP4Teens had a couple of other appearances in the media—did you catch us on Austin Weekly News or POZ Magazine?

The first was on Austin Weekly News. AWN is “a news site committed to in-depth reporting on issues concerning the Austin neighborhood located on the West Side of Chicago, Illinois.” Their article, titled “HIV prevention campaign spreads awareness through art, social media, mural” and written by Amina Sergazina explores the experiences of folks in attendance at the launch event on November 15th (and for more on that event, check out this blog here).

It also offers a platform to Sky, a fifth-grade student who participated in the ball competition. Sky discusses their feelings on sex ed in their school, and their unfamiliarity with certain tools available to them in the future, like PrEP. PrEP4Teens Youth Leader Leo Martinez also features, describing his work on the project and his feelings on the project’s synthesis between art and education.

Our other appearance was in POZ Magazine, an HIV/AIDS resource that’s described as “an award-winning print and online brand for people living with and affected by HIV/AIDS.” Their article is titled "PrEP4Teens Brings HIV Prevention Artwork and Engagement to Chicago Youth,” and it describes the collaborations that built PrEP4Teens as well as the importance of helping teens receive relevant and focused sexual health information.


Be sure to check both out! Where do you think we’ll pop up next?

For more info about teen sexual health options, be sure to check out our tips here.


Injectable PrEP, Cultural Stigma, and Privacy: Junye Ma


Dips, Stickers, and Photos: PrEP4Teens Launches