CDPH Call for PrEP Ideas
The Chicago Department of Public Health (CDPH) wants YOUR help! Injectable PrEP (cabotegravir) is a kind of PrEP that’s given every two months and lasts between injections. For some folks interested in taking PrEP it may be a better option because they don’t have to remember to take a daily pill, like they would with oral PrEP. However, because injectable PrEP is newer, fewer people know about it — that’s why we’re here ;). CDPH launched a challenge to collect ideas from the community on how to best reach folks that might be interested in injectable PrEP, but don’t know about it. That’s where you come in.
Submit an idea on how to get this medicine to gay, bi, and other men who have sex with men in Chicago ages 12+ here to be entered into a raffle for $250 — or, if your idea is selected as a winning one, get a guaranteed $250.
Here are a few things they’re looking for help navigating: 1) doctors and patients do not know that this medicine is available; 2) the medication costs money; 3) people are afraid of needles; and 4) the medicine is not available everywhere.
And, from CDPH themselves:
“Chicago Department of Public Health and Northwestern University want to hear your ideas on how to get new HIV prevention medicine to sexual minority men in Chicago. Top ideas will be selected for prizes. Have an idea? Submit at!”
“El Departamento de Salud Pública de Chicago y Northwestern University desean escuchar ideas sobre cómo hacer llegar nuevos medicamentos para la prevención del VIH a hombres de minorias sexuales en Chicago. Las mejores ideas serán seleccionadas para recibir premios. ¿Tiene una idea? Preséntela aquí!”
Interested in more ways to get involved? Check out our 10 minute research survey here!